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What I've Noticed...

In keeping with the mantra that dates back to the first day of class, I have tried to notice what I’ve noticed and continue to consider what I haven’t noticed. The major thing I’ve noticed is that I know everybody’s name in the class. I rarely, if ever, manage to confidently remember each person’s name in my classes. I also notice that I’ve sat next to the wide majority of our class at some point in this term. source I’m used to informally picking a seat on the first day of class and ideally sitting there until the last day of class. By having opportunities to talk and consider the points of view of just about everybody in the class, I feel that my own thoughts and discussions were equally considered which allowed for more genuine interaction with everybody. As such, I felt more authentically engaged with class topics and discussions because I was able to consider them through the unique perspectives of the class. In class, the importance of context was discussed as it relates to

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